-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v2.6.1 - 18 December, 2018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unify v2.6.1 update is focused on vendors (libraries and frameworks) updates, improvements and some minor bug fixes. - ENHANCED: New Layout Pages were added in Unify Admin Template (included Fixing Sidebar). - ENHANCED: MegaMenu "close all" feature was added. - UPDATED: Chosen - UPDATED: Clipboard - UPDATED: Get-size - UPDATED: Imagesloaded - UPDATED: jQuery - UPDATED: Masonry - UPDATED: Plyr - UPDATED: Popper.js - UPDATED: Tooltip.js - UPDATED: jQuery.Peity - FIXED: Topbar Header in iPad - FIXED: Dropdown column in Top Navigation [IE] - FIXED: Cubeportfolio "Load More" - FIXED: MegaMenu - FIXED: and other minor bug fixes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v2.6.0 - 15 August, 2018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unify v2.6.0 update is focused on new RTL package for One Pages, E-Commerce and Multi Pages demos (RTL package for Unify Main and Admin Template demos will be added later), new components for Admin Template package, vendors (libraries and frameworks) updates, improvements and some minor bug fixes. - NEW: RTL version for E-Commerce, OnePages & Multipages - NEW: Advanced Form Slider Controls (Admin Template) - NEW: Summernote WYSIWYG Editor (Admin Template) - NEW: Summernote WYSIWYG Editor (Admin Template) - NEW: Datatables Examples (Admin Template) - ENHANCED/FIXED: Overall minor fixes and improvements - UPDATED: Bootstrap 4.1.3 - UPDATED: Cube Portfolio 4.4 - UPDATED: Revolution Slider 5.4.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v2.5.1 - 24 February, 2018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unify v2.5.1 update is focused on vendors (libraries and frameworks) updates, improvements and some minor bug fixes. The major update includes Bootstrap 4 production version switching from Bootstrap 4 Beta version. - ENHANCED: Shortcode Accordions - ENHANCED: Shortcode Layout Forms - ENHANCED: Google Map on Lightbox - ENHANCED: Charts in Admin Dashboard for instant change viewport - ENHANCED: Complex Tables view in Admin Dashboard on the mobile resolution - FIXED: Datepicker date range - FIXED: Activity Sidebar for mobile devices in Admin Dashboard - UPDATED: Bootstrap 4.0.0 - UPDATED: Cube Portfolio 4.3.1 - UPDATED: Revolution Slider -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v2.5 - 07 February, 2018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unify v2.5 does not include any major changes. This update is focused on a new package "Unify Admin Template" and some minor bug fixes. - NEW: Introducing brand new Package - Admin Template. This package includes over 50 pages. - NEW: Admin Template html/admin-template/.. - dashboard-v1.html - dashboard-v2.html - dashboard-v3.html - dashboard-v4.html - header-static.html - sidebar-hide.html (on click to humberger menu) - layout-light.html - layout-dark-body-v2.html - layout-light-body-v2.html - app-profile.html - app-profile-biography.html - app-profile-interests.html - app-profile-mobile.html - app-profile-photos-and-videos.html - app-profile-payment-methods.html - app-profile-transactions.html - app-profile-security.html - app-profile-upgrade-plan.html - app-profile-invite.html - app-profile-connected-accounts.html - app-projects.html - app-chat.html - app-file-manager.html - app-contacts.html - forms-elemets-text-inputs.html - forms-elemets-textareas.html - forms-elemets-selects.html - forms-elemets-advanced-selects.html - forms-elemets-checkboxes-radios.html - forms-elemets-toggles.html - forms-elemets-file-inputs.html - forms-elemets-sliders.html - forms-elemets-tags.html - forms-elemets-ratings.html - forms-elemets-datepickers.html - forms-elemets-quantities.html - forms-validation-states.html - tables-basic.html - tables-complex.html - panel-variations.html - panel-options.html - notifications-colorful.html - notifications-light.html - notifications-dark.html - notifications-builder.html - metrics.html - ui-icons.html - pages-timeline.html - packages.html - NEW: Chartist JS - examples are using in Admin Dashboard Pages - NEW: Variety Widget Blocks (Comments, Calendar, Tickets, Activity etc.) - examples are used in Admin Dashboard Pages - NEW: Select Forms html/admin-template/forms/forms-elemets-selects.html - NEW: Advanced Select Forms html/admin-template/forms/forms-elemets-advanced-selects.html - NEW: Text Inputs with Tags html/admin-template/forms/forms-elemets-tags.html - NEW: Datepicker html/admin-template/forms/forms-elemets-datepickers.html - NEW: Quantities Design html/admin-template/forms/forms-elemets-quantities.html - NEW: Validations Designs html/admin-template/forms/forms-validation-states.html - NEW: Table Designs html/admin-template/tables/tables-basic.html - NEW: Complex Tables (Data Tables) html/admin-template/tables/tables-complex.html - NEW: 12 Panel Variations html/admin-template/panels/panel-variations.html - NEW: 8 Panel's Options html/admin-template/panels/panel-options.html - NEW: Colorful Notification html/admin-template/notifications/notifications-colorful.html - NEW: Light Notification html/admin-template/notifications/notifications-light.html - NEW: Dark Notification html/admin-template/notifications/notifications-dark.html - NEW: Notification's Builder html/admin-template/notifications/notifications-builder.html - NEW: Timeline Design html/admin-template/pages/pages-timeline.html - ENHANCED: Sticky Block in less content - ENHANCED: Slick Carousel - added preloader - ENHANCED: Missing animate.css into show/copy code - FIXED: Header - Megamenu 5 columns in IE browsers - FIXED: Vertical center block in Login-7 page in IE browsers -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v2.4 - 5 December, 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - NEW: Introducing brand new Multi Page Package in Unify Template and now Unify includes 6 complete packages. This package includes beautiful demos with its inner pages. Currently, it comes with two new demos. - NEW: University - Education Multi Page Demo html/multipage/education/.. - home-page-1.html - page-programs-1.html - page-apply-1.html - page-future-students-1.html - page-current-students-1.html - page-faculty-and-staff-1.html - page-events-1.html - page-alumni-1.html - page-campus-life-1.html - page-research-1.html - page-help-1.html - page-contacts-1.html - page-signin-1.html - NEW: 7 new Promo Block (demo 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44) html/unify-main/shortcodes/promo/.. - NEW: Clients (demo 13) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-clients.html - NEW: Testimonials Advanced (demo 17, demo 19) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-testimonials-advanced.html - NEW: 3 new Hero Contents (demo 17, 18, and 19) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-hero-content.html - NEW: Heading (demo 28) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-base-headings.html - NEW: 2 new Full Width Call To Action (CTA) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-cta-full-width.html - NEW: 6 News Blocks (35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 demos) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-news.html - NEW: 3 Image Overlay News Blocks (21, 22, and 23 demos) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-news-image.html - NEW: List News Block demo 8 html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-news-no-images.html - NEW: 2 Interactive Icon Blocks (demo 22 and 23) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-icons-interactive.html - NEW: 2 Icon Apps Blocks (demo 9 and 10) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-icons-app.html - ENHANCED: Clients (demo 13) moved to Testimonials Advanced as (demo 18) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-testimonials-advanced.html - ENHANCED: Fancybox Plugin - ENHANCED: Added some additional functionality to HS go-to plugin. - ENHANCED: Youtube Video Background (improved background video for heigh resolutions) - ENHANCED: Disable the scroll animation for mobile devices - FIXED: Header - Mobile Sidebar Overlay (some issues are fixed on mobile resolution) - UPDATED: jQuery v3.2.1 - DROPPED: jQuery Easing (jquery.easing.js) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v2.3 - 14 November, 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - NEW: Introducing brand new Multi Page Package in Unify Template and now Unify includes 6 complete packages. This package includes beautiful demos with its inner pages. Currently, it comes with two new demos. - NEW: Real Estate Multi Page Demo html/multipage/real-estate/.. - home-page-1.html - page-list-view-1.html - page-grid-view-1.html - page-single-item-1.html - page-agents-list-view-1.html - page-agents-grid-view-1.html - page-agents-single-page-1.html - page-share-1.html - page-help-1.html - page-contacts-1.html - page-login-1.html - page-register-1.html - page-forgot-password-1.html - NEW: Marketing Multi Page Demo html/multipage/marketing/.. - home-page-1.html - page-about-1.html - page-services-1.html - page-consultants-1.html - page-works-1.html - page-hire-us-1.html - page-careers-1.html - page-help-1.html - page-pricing-1.html - page-contacts-1.html - NEW: Material Icons html/unify-main/shortcodes/icons/shortcode-base-icon-material.html - NEW: Clients (demo 13) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-clients.html - NEW: Testimonials Advanced (demo 16) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-testimonials-advanced.html - NEW: 4 new Hero Info Sections html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-hero-info.html - NEW: 4 new Hero Contents (demo 13, 14, 15 and 16) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-hero-content.html - NEW: Heading (demo 27) html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-base-headings.html - NEW: 3 new Promo Block (demo 35, 36 and 37) html/unify-main/shortcodes/promo/shortcode-blocks-promo-demo-35.html - NEW: 2 new Footers (demo 15 and 16) html/unify-main/shortcodes/footers/shortcode-blocks-footer-classic.html - ENHANCED: SASS files - ENHANCED: Improved UX in shortcodes sidebar's panel, now it has a brand new look. - ENHANCED: Minor improvements in gMap (Google Map) - ENHANCED: Slick Carousel: added a new data attribute for responsive modes - ENHANCED: Some minor improvements in One Pages (Accounting, Agency, Architecture, Business, Charity, Consulting, Courses, Construction, Event, Gym, Lawyer, App, Music), E-Commerce and Blog & Magazine packages. - FIXED: Dropdowns onload appearance in topbars - FIXED: Cubeportfolio minor fixes - FIXED: Tabs minor fixes - FIXED: package.json file - FIXED: Onload scrolling - FIXED: Thumbnail issue on Slick Carousel - FIXED: Misc pages (tether.js to popper.js) - UPDATED: Bootstrap - v4.0.0-beta-2 - UPDATED: Animate CSS - v3.5.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v2.2 - 08 September, 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - NEW: Style Switcher (Beta) - choose unlimited colors, change layout styles (wide, boxed, semi-boxed), select predefined Google Fonts and outer spaces then instantly download your custom styles right froStyle Switcher. - NEW: Nunjucks templating language (Beta) - NEW: Promo Block (demo 34) html/unify-main/shortcodes/promo/shortcode-blocks-promo-demo-34.html - NEW: 4 Blog & Magazine Home Pages html/blog-magazine/classic/.. - bm-classic-home-page-2.html - bm-classic-home-page-3.html - bm-classic-home-page-4.html - bm-classic-home-page-5.html - NEW: Over 35 Shop Pages html/e-commerce/.. - home-page-2.html - home-page-3.html - page-addresses-1.html - page-cancelled-orders-1.html - page-category-left-sidebar-1.html - page-category-no-sidebar-1.html - page-category-no-sidebar-2.html - page-category-no-sidebar-3.html - page-category-no-sidebar-4.html - page-category-right-sidebar-1.html - page-checkout-1.html - page-coming-soon-1.html - page-contact-1.html - page-empty-cart-1.html - page-grid-filter-left-sidebar-1.html - page-grid-filter-no-sidebar-1.html - page-grid-filter-no-sidebar-2.html - page-grid-filter-no-sidebar-3.html - page-grid-filter-no-sidebar-4.html - page-grid-filter-right-sidebar-1.html - page-help-1.html - page-list-filter-left-sidebar-1.html - page-list-filter-no-sidebar-1.html - page-list-filter-no-sidebar-2.html - page-list-filter-no-sidebar-3.html - page-list-filter-no-sidebar-4.html - page-list-filter-right-sidebar-1.html - page-login-1.html - page-login-security-1.html - page-notifications-1.html - page-open-orders-1.html - page-order-completed-1.html - page-orders-1.html - page-our-stores-1.html - page-password-recovery-1.html - page-payment-options-1.html - page-signup-1.html - page-single-product-1.html - page-single-product-2.html - page-single-product-3.html - page-wallet-1.html - page-wishlist-1.html - ENHANCED: Documentation - ENHANCED: Shortcodes sidebar's search panel - type and press enter to search components - ENHANCED: SASS file structure - ENHANCED: Google Maps - added multiple markers - ENHANCED: E-commerce - design of the header has been improved. - ENHANCED: Blog & Magazine - design of the header has been improved. - ENHANCED: Show/Copy Code in shortcodes pages - ENHANCED: Promo block of the Jobs Page - changed the form layout page-jobs-1.html - ENHANCED: Promo block demo #1 - improved the form layout shortcode-blocks-promo-demo-1.html, home-page-8.html - FIXED: Custombox (modals) - newspaper and hashlink demos - UPDATED: Bootstrap - v4.0.0-beta - UPDATED: Custombox - v4.0.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v2.1 - 03 August, 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - NEW: Brand new Shorcodes Pages, now easily find any shorcodes with search bar and filtering navigation from side panel menu (sidebar). unify-main/shortcodes/index.html - NEW: GulpJS - automate all your work (SASS compiling, concatenate, minify etc.) - NEW: Go to Top (Back to Top) in-house plugin developed by Htmlstream Team, comes various design options are added across all Unify pages. There are 3 styles which canbe controlled via class name u-go-to-v* (*can be any number e.g. u-go-to-v1, u-go-to-v2, u-go-to-v3 etc.). - NEW: Consulting One Page Demo html/one-pages/consulting/index.html - NEW: Corporate One Page Demo html/one-pages/corporate/index.html - NEW: Misc pages; Boxed Layout, Dark Theme, Blank Page etc html/unify-main/misc/.. - NEW: 90+ Revolution Slider demos html/revolution-slider/index.html Please check it out README.txt file inside the html/revolution-slider/.. folder. The file includes a separate download link with protected password for Revolution Slider demos. The total size of the slider demos is huge (around 320 MB) and for that reason it is included as a separate download link. If you would like to use the slider demos, you should just need to unzip the revolution-slider.zip inside html/revolution-slider/.. after downloading it and all demos will work same as live demo pages. There is no need for any other manual work, only needs to be downloaded and unzipped inside the correct path (place). - NEW: 100+ Master Slider demos html/master-slider/index.html The Master Slider demos also includes README.txt file as Revolution Slider folder which includes a download link with protected password for Master Slider. Please just follow the above (Revolution Slider) instructions. - NEW: Promo Block (demo 32)html/unify-main/shortcodes/promo/shortcode-blocks-promo-demo-32.html - NEW: Promo Block (demo 33)html/unify-main/shortcodes/promo/shortcode-blocks-promo-demo-33.html - NEW: Hero Content (demo 12)html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-hero-content.html - NEW: Pricing Plans (demo 15)html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-pricing-plans.html - NEW: Icon Blocks Interactive (demo 18)html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-icons-interactive.html - NEW: Static Process Blocks (demo 05)html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-hero-content.html - NEW: Counters (demo 32)html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-counters.html - NEW: Classic Footers (demo 14)html/unify-main/shortcodes/footers/shortcode-blocks-footer-classic.html - NEW: Footer Contact Forms (demo 13)html/unify-main/shortcodes/footers/shortcode-blocks-footer-contact-forms.html - NEW: Team Blocks (demo 15)html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-team.html - NEW: Team Advanced (demo 09)html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-team-advanced.html - NEW: Testimonials (demo 25)html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-testimonials.html - NEW: Testimonials Advanced (demo 14)html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-testimonials-advanced.html - NEW: Testimonials Advanced (demo 15)html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-testimonials-advanced.html - NEW: News Blocks (demo 34)html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-news.html - NEW: Clients (demo 12)html/unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-blocks-clients.html - ENHANCED: Documentation - added started template section, detailed gulp instructions for converting SASS (SCSS) to CSS etc. - ENHANCED: SCSS stylesheet are refactored (it is a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior) - ENHANCED: Show/Copy Code in shorcode pages and added show/copy code feature to missed components - ENHANCED: All Headers pages (added active style) - ENHANCED: Slick Carousel (added ondemand option and various minor improvements) - ENHANCED: Added jquery-migrate.min.js to all Unify Pages - ENHANCED: Added subnavigation to the Accounting One Page demo dev/one-pages/accounting/example-with-submenu.html - ENHANCED: Added custom.js file across all HTML pages - ENHANCED: Sticky Block (added secondary navigation option) - FIXED: Mega Menus tabs on Mobile resolutions - FIXED: Various IE11 fixes including headers, slick carousel, parallax etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v2.0 - 05 July, 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unify v2.0 has been fully re-written from scratch and changelog includes only the most important implementations, improvements and features. Overall, what's new in Unify v2.0? Unify v2.0 comes with the latest **Bootstrap 4** alpha version and now any component can be used within the any packages (demos, pages, sections etc.). Also, Unify v2.0 is fully based on SASS. In addition, Unify v2.0 comes with over **400 pages** including **250 shortcode pages** which is twice more than v1.9.x Unify and all components in each shortcode pages are massively extended. **Version v2.0 - 05 June 2017** - NEW: Bootstrap 4 (Unify v2.0 fully compatible with the latest version of Bootstrap 4) - NEW: Full SASS (SCSS) support (all components in separate files, It provides powerful control over CSS) - NEW: Ultimate control over the Headers (Unify v2.0 includes over 80 header options) - Positions (static, absolute top, absolute bottom, absolute. 2nd screen, sticky top, sticky bottom) - On Scroll Behaviors (show/hide header, change logo, change appearance, toggle header, hide top bar) - Navigation's mobile behavior (default - "top", push- "sidebar", overlay - "sidebar") - Submenu & Megamenu (onHover method, onClick method, inline submenu, megamenu column - "2, 3, etc.", megamenu horizontal/vertical tab etc.) - CSS Animated Hamburgers Icons (slider, squeeze, arrow etc.) - For more detailed demos, please check out the shortcode header page - `unify-main/shortcodes/headers/index.html` - NEW: More than 30 **Promo Blocks** - NEW: **Over 500** new Shortcode Components - Alerts - Dividers - Icons - Badges - Accordions - Tabs - Badges - Paginations - Google Maps - List Groups - Product Blocks - Testimonial Blocks - Beautiful Galleries Options - Icon Blocks - News Blocks - Countdowns Blocks - Table Demos - News Blocks - Clients Blocks - Counters Blocks - User Blocks - and many others.. - NEW: Popup Modals `unify-main/shortcodes/shortcode-base-modals.html` - NEW: Smooth Parallax - NEW: Home Pages (all home pages are re-designed and extended with new design page) - NEW: Blog Pages (all block pages are re-designed and now comes with **over 40 pages**) - NEW: Search Pages (all search pages are re-designed and added other options) - NEW: Jobs Page (currently comes with two new design pages main and inner) - NEW: Profile Pages (all profile pages are re-designed and added with more options) - NEW: Contact Pages (all contact pages are re-designed and added other new pages) - NEW: Other New Pages (Unify v2.0 includes lots of other new page designs such as login, register, pricing, portfolios, faq etc.) - DROPPED: Landing Pages Package (they will be added back to the One Pages package in our next updates but currently all the components can be used and included in v2.0 Unify.) - DROPPED: Sky Forms Pro (all forms are completely rewritten from scratch) - DROPPED: Layer Slider (since Unify already includes other premium sliders (Revolution and Master Slider), we have decided to drop it as included premium slider already includes same functionality) - DROPPED: Other Plugins/Libraries (however, most of them are replaced with more efficient plugins/libraries. For example, Owl Carousel has been replaced with Slick Carousel.) Coming Soon in our next updates. - RTL Version - PSD Sources - Classic One Page Demos - RTL Coming Soon Pages - RTL Error Pages - RTL Email Templates - RTL Other missed features which `Unify v1.x` included Our updates do not stop here as many more new amazing features are surely coming soon in future updates. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v1.9.9 - 12 June 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - UPDATE: Revolution Slider v5.4.4 - UPDATE: Cube Portfolio v4.2.0 - UPDATE: YTPlayer -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v1.9.8 - 16 February 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - NEW: Event Layout (HTML/One-Pages/Event/index.html) - UPDATE: Cube Portfolio v4.1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v1.9.7 - 24 December 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - NEW: Photographer Layout (HTML/One-Pages/Photographer/index.html) - FIXED: Real Estate promo text, added missed CSS file (HTML/One-Pages/RealEstate/index.html) - FIXED: Music demo gallery carousel issue, affected files are index.html and media-gallery.js (HTML/One-Pages/Music/..) - FIXED: Background cover of the Coming Soon Page (HTML/page_coming_soon.html) - FIXED: RTL issue, added the missed CSS file "bootstrap-rtl.min" - FIXED: Minor issue with the Counter plugin (jquery.counterup.js) - IMPROVEMENT: Updated google map to Its latest API (shortcode_maps_google.html and all main Unify contact pages) - ADDED: Two portfolio pages for "Our Projects" section in Accounting demo (HTML/One-Pages/Accounting/..) - ADDED: Accounting header to Unify Main (HTML/page_misc_one_page_header.html) - UPDATE: Font Awesome v4.7.0 - UPDATE: Cube Portfolio v3.9.0 - UPDATE: Revolution Slider v5.3.1.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v1.9.6 - 30 August 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW: Music Layout (One-Pages/Music/index.html) NEW: 70+ Revolution Slider Demos (HTML/One-Pages/assets/plugins/revolution-slider/..) NEW: 30+ Master Slider Demos (HTML/assets/plugins/master-slider/slider-templates/..) ADDED: Contact Form to Gym Demo ADDED: Youtube Video Background and Theme Color to Architecture (One-Pages/Architecture/page-youtube-video.html) ADDED: Theme Color to Accounting (One-Pages/Accounting/page-theme-color.html) FIXED: typo error "subsribe" to "subscribe" FIXED: Clients hover effect on touch devices in jobs page IMPROVEMENT: Sub level menu in the default header UPDATE: Bootstrap v3.3.7 UPDATE: Revolution Slider v5.2.6 UPDATE: Master Slider v2.50.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v1.9.5 - 07 July 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW: Accounting Layout (One-Pages/Accounting/index.html) NEW: Real Estate Layout (One-Pages/RealEstate/index.html) NEW: Charity Layout (One-Pages/Charity/index.html) NEW: Restaurant Layout (One-Pages/Restaurant/index.html) NEW: Gym Layout (One-Pages/Gym/index.html) UPDATE: Layer Slider v5.6.7 UPDATE: Cube Portfolio v3.7.1 UPDATE: Font Awesome 4.6.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v1.9.4 - 19 April 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW: Construction Layout (One-Pages/Construction/index.html) UPDATED: Font Awesome Icons v4.5.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v1.9.3 - 01 April 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIXED: Version name (typo error) in the download package UPDATED: Animate CSS v4.5.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v1.9.2 - 29 March 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW: Courses Layout (One-Pages/Courses/index.html) NEW: Wedding Layout (One-Pages/Wedding/index.html) IMPROVEMENT: Documentation IMPROVEMENT: Busines Layout - promo and equal height blocks (One-Pages/Business/..) IMPROVEMENT: Spa Layout - vertical align texts in some blocks (One-Pages/Spa/..) IMPROVEMENT: Equal Height javascript codes (app.js) IMPROVEMENT: Header v8 for iPhones (app.js) FIXED: Google Maps for IE in Thematic Layouts FIXED: Different slips in (blocks.css) FIXED: Equal Height issue on Home Allure (page_home17.html) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v1.9.1 - 07 February 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - NEW: Business Layout (One-Pages/Business/index.html) - NEW: Wealth Landing Page (Landing-Pages/Wealth/index.html) - NEW: Consulting Landing Page (One-Pages/Consulting/index.html) - NEW: Login and Registration Page (page_login_and_registration.html) - NEW: Login Page 2 (page_login2.html) - NEW: Registration Page 2 (page_registration2.html) - NEW: 404 Error Page 4 (page_404_error4.html) - NEW: 404 Error Page 5 (page_404_error5.html) - NEW: 404 Error Page 6 (page_404_error6.html) - NEW: Coming Soon Page v2 (page_coming_soon2.html) - NEW: Coming Soon Page v3 (page_coming_soon3.html) - NEW: Coming Soon Page v4 (page_coming_soon4.html) - NEW: Coming Soon Page v5 (page_coming_soon5.html) - NEW: Coming Soon Page v6 (page_coming_soon6.html) - NEW: RTL Business - NEW: RTL Agency - NEW: RTL Travel - NEW: RTL Lawyer - NEW: RTL Architecture - NEW: RTL Mobile App - NEW: RTL Spa - NEW: RTL Shipping - IMPROVEMENT: Older version of Coming Soon, 404 Error pages pages - IMPROVEMENT: Equal Height codes in app.js - UPDATED: Layer Slider v5.6.0 - UPDATED: Cube Portfolio v3.5.1 - FIXED: Links for Breadcrumb options (blocks.css) - FIXED: Multiple Progressbar issue (app.css) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v1.9 - 31 December 2015 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unify v1.9 includes tons of new designed blocks and they are used in all new thematic demos. All demos are completely new designed from scratch exclusively for Unify Template. - NEW: Agency Layout - NEW: Lawyer Layout - NEW: Travel Layout - NEW: Architecture Layout - NEW: Mobile App Layout - NEW: Spa Layout - NEW: Shipping Layout - NEW: Hero Fashion - NEW: Hero Gym - NEW: Hero Photography - NEW: Hero Restaurant - NEW: Hero Web App Dark - NEW: Hero Web App Light - NEW: Home Aspire - NEW: Home Allure - NEW: Animated Titles (demo on promo block in the page: page_home15.html) - NEW: CTA - Call to Actions (feature_call_to_actions.html) - NEW: full-height statix text image bg slider (page_home2.html) - NEW: full-height statix animated texts (page_home4.html) - NEW: full-height Youtube video background (page_home5.html) - NEW: on click sidebar navigation left and right (page_home17.html and page_home18.html) - NEW: Blog Page Layout v4 - NEW: Modal Popups - NEW: 2000+ Pro Line Icons - UPDATE: Bootstrap v3.3.6 - UPDATE: Animate.css - v3.5.0 - UPDATE: WOW.js - v1.1.2 - UPDATE: Cube Portfolio v3.4.2 - UPDATE: Font Awesome 4.5.0 - UPDATE: Master Slider v2.16.3 - UPDATE/NEW: Revolution Slider v5+ - FIXED: One Page focus issue after click and scroll - FIXED: Many reported minor bugs - IMPROVEMENT: Documentation - IMPROVEMENT: Shopping cart for mobile devices - IMPROVEMENT: Default fixed header for Safari - IMPROVEMENT: Default header language hover issue for iOS devices -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version v1.8 - 3 July 2015 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - NEW: Blog Template - NEW: RTL Unify Main - NEW: RTL Unify Blog Template - NEW: RTL Unify Shop UI Template - NEW: RTL Unify One Page Template - NEW: 60+ PSD files - NEW: Master Slider Examples - NEW: Incredible Home Page (page_home16.html) - NEW: Feature Icon Blocks (feature_icon_blocks.html) - NEW: Feature Team Blocks (feature_team_blocks.html) - NEW: Feature Testimonials and Quotes (feature_testimonials_quotes.html) - NEW: Feature News Blocks (feature_news_blocks.html) - NEW: Centered logo - header v4 (feature_header_v4_logo_centered.html) - NEW: Defaul Header without Topbar (feature_header_default_no_topbar.html) - NEW: Defaul Centered Header (feature_header_default_centered.html) - NEW: Header Login/Reg Popup (feature_header_default_login_popup.html) - NEW: Header v8 (feature_header_v8.html) - NEW: Footer v8 (feature_footer_v8.html) - NEW: Static full-screen block in One Page (one_page_home1.html) - NEW: Popup login/registration for One Page (one_page_home2.html) - NEW: Language bar in One Page (one_page_home3.html) - NEW: Blog Home Page (blog/index.html) - NEW: Blog Page Layouts v1 (blog_page_layouts1.html) - NEW: Blog Page Layouts v2 (blog_page_layouts2.html) - NEW: Blog Page Layouts v3 (blog_page_layouts4.html) - NEW: Blog Post Layout v1 (blog_post_layouts1.html) - NEW: Blog Post Layout v2 (blog_post_layouts2.html) - NEW: Blog Post Layout v3 (blog_post_layouts3.html) - NEW: Blog Post Layout v4 (blog_post_layouts4.html) - NEW: Blog Post Layout v5 (blog_post_layouts5.html) - NEW: Blog Post Layout v6 (blog_post_layouts6.html) - NEW: Blog Post Layout v7 (blog_post_layouts7.html) - NEW: Blog Post Layout v8 (blog_post_layouts8.html) - NEW: Blog Post Layout v9 (blog_post_layouts9.html) - NEW: Blog Left Sidebar Example (blog_post_layouts_ls.html) - NEW: Blog Full Width Example (blog_post_layouts_fw.html) - NEW: Blog Grid: 1 Col (blog_grid_1.html) - NEW: Blog Grid: 2 Col (blog_grid_2.html) - NEW: Blog Grid: 3 Col (blog_grid_3.html) - NEW: Blog Grid: 4 Col (blog_grid_4.html) - NEW: Blog Grid: Full Width - 4 Col (blog_grid_4_fw.html) - NEW: Blog Grid: Right Sidebar - 2 Col (blog_grid_2_rs.html) - NEW: Blog Grid: Left Sidebar - 2 Col (blog_grid_2_ls.html) - NEW: Blog Single Page (blog_single.html) - NEW: Blog Home Boxed Page (blog_home_boxed.html) - NEW: Blog Home Boxed Space Page (blog_home_boxed_space.html) - UPGRADE: Bootstrap v3.3.5 - UPGRADE: jQuery v1.11.3 - UPGRADE: Master Slider v2.15.0 - UPGRADE: Cube Portfolio v2.3.3 - DROPPED: Glyphicons Pro (due to lincese changes) - FIXED: Navigation alignemtn and search box in page_home6.html page - FIXED: Footer logo in page_home9.html page - FIXED: Default header z-index issue with FancyBox - FIXED: Thumbnail FancyBox in the shorcodes page (Thanks to "Harald Meyer") - FIXED: Header v3 spacing issue on hover (Thanks to "Dario") - FIXED: Some design issues on dark layout styles - FIXED: Header v7 (sidebar header) - content onclick with ajax call issue - FIXED: Revolution Slider loading issue - IMPROVEMENT: "Timeline v2" tag